pOTTR: Reasonable Ontology Templates Primer
Reasonable Ontology Templates Primer

The primer is divided into different independent chapters, each chapter covering one topic. Each chapter contains explanatory text, examples, and exercises with solutions.
- Reasonable Ontology Templates Fundamentals
- This chapter explains the basics of OTTR for newcomers to OTTR. A basic understanding of semantic web technologies is assumed.
- Incrementally building a template library
- This chapter shows a top-down approach for building a template library for a example use case. The chapter assumes the reader is familiar with the basics of OTTR.
- Converting spreadsheets to knowledge graphs with tabOTTR
- This chapter shows how to annotate spreadsheets for convering spreadsheet data to RDF/OWL via OTTR templates.
- Extract, Transform and Load with bOTTR
- This chapter contains exercises that show how bOTTR can be used to extract data by quering RDF files, SPARQL endpoints, CSV files and relational database and converting the query results to OTTR template instances.